One has to surrender to love with totality, not holding anything back. If you are holding something back you will not be able to experience love.One has to be a gambler, not calculating, but prepared to risk all. In one go stake everything you have, thats love.
Surrender, that is love, happens. It happens on its own.It is not a question of doing it. You can go to a thousand & one people, but it will happen only with one. And you cannot do it. It is nothing you can do. If you do it, it is not much use, because you are doing it…it simply happens…after all its love…love affair, not a bargain.
And it is natural that a seeker has to go to many people. Then somewhere, something clicks. It can click anywhere. It depends on the type of energy you have. Then suddenly you feel pulled..
That is what surrender is, love is…it has nothing to do with your beliefs, religion or pasts.
It is a blind love affair, it sees nothing
You fall in love with a man/woman…not that you manage it, not that you do love, you simply find yourself in love
Remember, surrender is not something that is against you. How can it be against you? It does not mean that you have to change your natural way totally; it simply means to be totally natural. Go wherever it takes you, in whichever direction. Let it have its joy, & one day you will be finished with it, but that will not be by force, but on its own, out of love…
Surrender has nothing to do with fighting.
The first surrender that one feels is almost a kind of excitement of the new: it is like a honeymoon.
But soon you settle down. Then the honeymoon & the euphoria disappear: then the real work starts. And one day if one continues to work, the real surrender happens. Remember its only one day which you do not know when…then it is not a honeymoon.
But it is natural; first it has to be like a honeymoon. It is a kind of falling in love. But when you are excited& the euphoria is there, you feel that the surrender has happened...Soon you will have to take note of the reality& the hard facts of life,& there will be a thousand & one situations when you will say” the yes is not coming: the no comes, the doubt comes. The trust is not total”
And it is natural – nothing special about it, it happens to everybody.
This is how one grows: hesitating, doubting, saying yes, and saying no, wavering…this is how one grows...
But if one remains patient enough, then one day all those nos disappear. The ultimate victory is always of yes…but one has to wait…Aki has to wait, just be patient. Once you leave it, things start happening on their own.