People have forgotten the language of COMMITMENT, involvement...
because they don t know the beauty of commitment,
they don t know the joys of commitment.They don t know
what it means to be utterly dedicated to something,
to somebody.To be utterly dedicated to something,
to somebody means giving birth to a soul in you.
To be a man or a woman means to be committed,
to be involved,
to be ready to go to the very extreme of some experience.
If it appeals to you, if it converts you,then one has to be ready
to go wherever it leads you - to the unknown, to the uncharted.
Yes,there are many fears, & there are many problems to be faced
& many challenges to be accepted,but this is how one grows,
this is how one matures...
Millions of people in the world remains immature, childish,
for the simple reason that they don t know how to commit themselves.
They remain rootless.
When you love a person you can t think otherwise.
You can t think that some other day you will not love this person;
that is impossible, that is not part of love.
The mind cannot conceive & comprehend that
there will be a time when you will not be with this person &
this person will not be with you - it simply does not happen.
There is no more commitment , if love is not there.
Love is commitment ! Love gone, all commitment is gone: this is the meaning.
Once you have chosen a lover & it has become a commitment, a decisive moment has come.
& until you decide, there is wavering.
Once you have decided then there is no going astray.
By & by the mind also leaves the fantasy part ; it settles.
Once you have decided that this is a commitment,
that you are to be in it,
remain in it & there is no other alternative ; when you have closed all the doors & only one door remains open you simply relax, because there is no tension.
Tension is always because of choice.
All tension,all worry, is because of possibilities,alternatives.
Then there is madness because infinite possibilities are there.
There are millions & millions of people on earth, & each one is a potential lover to you.
From any of these millions of people, anybody could have become a lover to you.
If you keep thinking about it, you will simply go crazy.
Once you are certain & you have chosen,wavering stops.
Once the mind knows that the decision is ultimate,final,
suddenly you will find that the thinking & the fantasies disappear.
Then there may be millions of people,
but there is no man except your lover : there is no woman except your beloved.